The sheet with the list of players to buy in the auction is the faithful companion of adventures of all Advanced Member respectable.To compile it, the Advanced Member consults various sources to find the players statistics and to compare them with each other in order to choose the ones that best suit your needs.Then comes the day of the auction.The sheet is essential, but it should be constantly updated during the auction:· Keep track of each player purchased and their cost;· Know at any time the remaining budget available;· Take into account the state of the wards, that is how many players have been bought and how many are missing to complete each department.So many changes to be made, too much information to handle. And the auction does not wait.That is why there is need FantaScout.FantaScout is the app that allows you to easily manage your sheet before and during the auction.Before the auction FantaScout allows you to:· Have access to all statistics for the last few seasons of football players of Serie A;· Compare players statistics;· Create lists of players you are interested in setting the budget to be allocated to each of them;During the auction you can:· Keep track of players purchased and their cost;· Discard the players who had bet but you could not buy;· Add players that were not initially present in the list;· Have under control at all times the total remaining budget and the number of players bought by department.